Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus or rectum also known as piles. They are often painful and can be caused by constipation, straining during bowel movements, and lying on the anus for too long. They can also be caused by a pregnancy, varicose veins, and other conditions.

There are many types of hemorrhoids, and some are easier to treat than others.

Types of Hemorrhoids:

  • Internal hemorrhoids are located inside the anus rather than on the outside of the anus.
  • External hemorrhoids are veins that bulge out near the anus from the rectal opening.

Hemorrhoids develop when a vein in the rectum becomes narrower than its own diameter. Pressure builds in the vein, causing it to swell, then prolapse (disrupt) and allow blood, feces, and mucus to leak out through the anus. It is a common condition, and three out of four adults may have this condition.

In case a person has hemorrhoids, they may bleed at times, and. This excess bleeding may be accompanied by itching and burning. Certain individuals have both internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

What does it feel like to have hemorrhoids when you’re sitting?

An individual may experience the following issues if you have hemorrhoids:

  • pain while passing stools
  • burning and discomfort
  • at times, painless bleeding
  • itching
  • swelling or a lump around the anus
Hemorrhoids: How You Can Treat Them

Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are also called internal piles. These are veins located under the surface of the skin within the anus, between the rectum and the anus. They are often caused by straining or constipation and may cause pain and discomfort. An individual might not feel in the upper section of the rectum where a feeling of pain is negligible due to fewer pain receptors.

External hemorrhoids

If an individual has external hemorrhoids, he/she may experience sharp pain, pressure, or discomfort while sitting, when you pass stools or wiping the area.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are like varicose veins. When the vein walls weaken and the valves that govern blood flow malfunction, varicose veins develop. This causes the vein to expand as blood pools in it.

Hemorrhoids can develop from a variety of causes. It’s possible that the cause is unknown. They can be brought on by straining during bowel motions, which creates pressure. Hemorrhoids generally caused by prolonged constipation and sitting for long periods of time are also known to raise your risk. Hemorrhoids can appear during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth in certain women.

Pregnancy Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids affect about 30–35 percent of pregnant women. This could be the result of certain hormonal changes in the body and high blood pressure that occur during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are more common in the third trimester (the final trimester) of pregnancy when women are bearing additional weight due to the growing baby.

A few of the women may experience the hemorrhoids condition shortly after their delivery. It is mainly found in women who gave birth through normal delivery since it put enormous pressure on the veins in the belly (stomach) and pelvic area. During pregnancy or delivery, hemorrhoids have no effect on the baby.

You can get in touch with the doctor, in case you are having trouble with bowel movements by the third or fourth day following delivery. After having delivery, constipation is common. It’s not a certainty that you’ll have hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids that develop during pregnancy or delivery usually resolve on their own within a few weeks of giving birth.

How to treat Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids usually shrink on their own or with over-the-counter remedies. Changes in your lifestyle that help you stay on track can be beneficial. To prevent the hemorrhoids, it is important to counter constipation and pass stool without straining. It will help reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Diet to prevent hemorrhoids

  • Adding fiber-rich food such as green vegetables, whole grains, and fresh fruits to your daily diet.
  • You can eat prunes to treat constipation since they are natural and have mild laxatives.
  • You can also take fiber supplements like psyllium husk to soften the stools.
  • You can fiber to your diet slowly and gradually to avoid gassiness.
  • Take plenty of liquids if you are adding fiber-rich food to your diet.

How to make your bowel movements more comfortable?

You can add a spoonful of mineral oil to your meal. It will help counter constipation and soften the stools. It is also recommended to drink 8–10 glasses of water and other fluids daily to keep your body hydrated and prevent constipation. Avoid taking soft drinks, coffee, and other carbonated drinks.

A few changes in your lifestyle and your daily routine can create a positive change in your life. It is good to wake up early and use the bathroom on time. Delay in going to the bathroom can worsen your constipation and other symptoms. When sitting on the toilet, use a small stepping stool to raise your feet. This puts your body in a squatting position, which makes bowel movements easier.

Hemorrhoids: How to deal with them?

If you are experiencing hemorrhoids symptoms, there are a few things you can do to relieve the pain:

  • instead of using dry toilet paper, wash with a damp wipe or water
  • to ease pain, apply ice packs or cold compresses
  • avoid wearing clothes that are too tight or have tough materials
  • take acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed to ease discomfort
  • soak in a warm water tub
  • sprays, deodorants, and douches should not be used in the groin area
  • maintain proper hygiene and keep the area clean always
  • avoid using scented or alcohol-based wipes
  • avoid intense exercise and other friction-inducing activities
  • use numbing creams
  • rather than sitting upright, relax in a reclining or rocking chair
  • sit on a donut cushion or a fluffy pillow
  • Try hydrocortisone-based topical medications such as creams, ointments, sprays, and suppositories.

Hemorrhoids Treatment

Your doctor may propose a medical procedure for hemorrhoid treatment in some circumstances to avoid more serious problems. Blood clots, inflammation, and infection are all possible complications.

Hemorrhoid treatment is based on the type of hemorrhoid and the severity of the problem. Hemorrhoids can be treated with a variety of procedures. That include:


Both external and internal hemorrhoids can both be treated with sclerotherapy injections. To shrink hemorrhoids, your doctor will inject a chemical solution into the hemorrhoid. This could take several days. Sclerotherapy injections can also be used to repair small, damaged veins in the body.


Cryotherapy also known as freezing therapy shrinks hemorrhoids by focusing cold air or gas on them.

Laser treatment

Hemorrhoids may also be treated with laser treatment, which uses heat and light to destroy the blood vessels causing hemorrhoids. This is a safe and effective treatment that causes no pain or discomfort and can be done in outpatient surgery. It is most effective when done on an outpatient basis, but some people may benefit from being admitted for the procedure. Afterward, patients can usually return to their normal activities without restrictions.


A procedure to remove a blood clot from an external hemorrhoid is known as external hemorrhoid thrombectomy. The doctor will numb the region and drain it through a small cut. Stitches may be necessary, depending on the size of the cut.

Band ligation

Hemorrhoids can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication, hemorrhoid cream, or a suppository. The most common type of treatment for internal hemorrhoids is band ligation. A small band is placed around hemorrhoid and is held in place by sutures. The band restricts blood flow, which should help reduce swelling and pain.

Hemorrhoids Surgery

Your doctor may offer minor hemorrhoid surgery to remove hemorrhoids if other treatments fail or if the hemorrhoid is large. This may necessitate local or general anesthesia. Hemorrhoids can be treated with two different types of operations.

  • Hemorrhoidectomy: Hemorrhoids can be removed through a procedure called hemorrhoidectomy also known as hemorrhoid removal. The doctor can use this procedure to treat both internal and external hemorrhoids. During a hemorrhoidectomy, the doctor makes an incision (cut) in the anus, removes the hemorrhoids, and closes the incision. This may be done through a small opening in the anus, called an anal speculum, or through the anus itself. The doctor may also use other instruments to remove the hemorrhoids, such as a Hemorrhoid tool, Hemorrhoid stapler, or Hemorrhoid Wire.
  • Hemorrhoid stapling: It is a procedure that uses an instrument called a Hemorrhoid Stapler to close the internal hemorrhoids. It is used to stop the blood flow to hemorrhoids. This entirely shrinks it. Hemorrhoid stapling can be used to treat both external and internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid stapling is an outpatient procedure that can be done in a doctor’s office.

Medicines for hemorrhoids

Mild hemorrhoid symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter medicines. These are some of them:

  • cream, ointment, or suppositories containing hydrocortisone, and it should not be used for more than a week or as prescribed by your doctor)
  • lidocaine
  • laxatives (stool softeners)

If there’s a chance of infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Let’s explore more: Are hemorrhoids frequent and curable?


For more information on Hemorrhoids — symptoms, treatment, and surgery. You can contact our healthcare expert today at +1(817) 748–0200.

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Southlake General Surgery
Southlake General Surgery

Written by Southlake General Surgery

Advance Laparoscopic Surgery at Southlake General Surgery, Southlake Texas

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